I love my freedom. I love my America.

S'mores anyone?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 Days/12 Things

Since there are 12 days til Christmas - ahhhhh...I can't believe it - I thought I would be random and list 12 things about me. Some I may have mentioned on the blog and some maybe not.
Anyway, here it goes:
  • #1-I have 2 brothers. One is older and one is younger. Our first names all start with "T", our names each have four letters and we each have a repeating letter. Todd (repeating "d"), Tara (repeating "a") and Tate (repeating "t"). Quite creative on my mom and dad's part, huh?

  • #2-I am right handed but have always been fascinated at how left handed people write.

  • #3-I have only had about 3-4 jobs my whole life. I'm going on 21 years at my current job. Yay me.

  • #4-My husband and I struggled with infertility for almost 2-1/2 years before getting pregnant with my daughter.

  • #4-I love to go on vacations where there is warm weather, water and sand.

  • #5-I love Diet Coke and coffee.

  • #6-I was raised with cats and currently have 2 - Bear and Squeaky. They are 8 years old and they are brothers.

  • #7-Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I could eat it for breakfast (duh!), lunch or dinner.

  • #8-My parents divorced when I was an adult. Honestly, I have to wonder if that is harder than divorce as a kid.

  • #9-I do not make cleaning my house a priority. Yes, it drives me NUTS, but there are other things I would rather do than clean. It's as simple as that.

  • #10-I was a bridesmaid 7 or 8 times before I actually became a bride.

  • #11-Although Tom and I have been married for 15 years, next week we will celebrate 20 years being together

  • #12-I amaze people at work with how fast I can type.

1 comment:

  1. Although I knew most of these facts I still enjoy reading about my sweet friend Tara:) I hope your enjoying your week! See you on the 22nd (probably for breakfast!!! hahahaha)
